large blocked sewer drain

Teaching Kids About Plumbing Safety To Avoid Blocked Sewer Drains

Battling a blocked sewer drain is never an ideal way to spend the day, but almost every home will experience this issue at some point, especially when there are curious kids around. 

Kids are notorious for their eagerness to play and learn, which often means they don’t think about the consequences before doing something. Unfortunately, it can become an issue when your home’s plumbing becomes part of their exploration and experiments, leading to unexpected call-outs from your local plumber. 

As parents, it is vital to teach children about plumbing, not only to protect your home but also to keep them safe. 

Rooter Team has seen it all! The good news is, many plumbing issues can be prevented by making children aware of how to use plumbing fixtures safely. 

Safety Rules Every Child Should Know.

Every parent wants their children to gain confidence and independence, so letting them do things for themselves is important, but it is also vital to teach them properly first. Tasks such as using the toilet by themselves and washing their hands are essential skills for them to learn, but if you haven’t taken the time to teach them how to use plumbing correctly, it could end in disaster. 

Let’s take a look at a few things kids should know about plumbing:

What you can and can’t flush down the toilet. The toilet can be a fascinating fixture for children, and they may be curious to see things disappear with a simple push of a button. Toys, food, or diapers could be things your child wants to flush. To avoid a blocked drain, ensure children know only to flush toilet paper and to ask an adult first when they are unsure.

Avoid playing with stormwater grates and outdoor drains. Kids love to play outside. Throwing a rock and filling a bucket with sand are part of their skills development and natural desire to play, but it can cause issues when it involves grates and outdoor drains. To avoid plumbing problems and possible injury, ensure kids know not to throw anything down the drains. 

Keep tiny fingers away from tap spouts and pipes. Again, curiosity can take over a child’s desire to learn, but their little fingers and hands should not be pushed into tap spouts and pipes. 

We want your kids to play safely in and around the home, so we encourage you to teach them about plumbing safety to avoid unnecessary damage and injury.

If you need help unclogging a blocked sewer drain, call Rooter Team today!