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City Plumbing Rebates (Toronto & Area)

Drain Grants, Subsidies, & Rebates Programs

Do you know what you need to about rebates, grants and subsidies across Canada? With the information provided below you can be sure to find out exactly what you can do to benefit from these programs. Contact the professionals today and we can help you through the process.

Drain Grants, Subsidies and Rebates for the City of Toronto

Subsidy Program: Protection – Basement Flooding 

In Toronto there are subsidies on offer to those who go through the process of installing flood protection elements, inline with government requirements. For those owners who have residential properties that are single-family, duplex, and triplex, they qualify for the subsidy. This includes:

Let us find out if you qualify for the subsidy and you can get up to 80% of the invoiced cost taken off – that’s around $3,400 per property. Some restrictions may apply, but feel free to contact us directly to find out more.

Click here to learn more about this offer.

Mandatory Downspout Disconnection Financial Assistance Program

This dynamic city also offers a reimbursement on any materials or labour used in the process of disconnecting from the downspout system, to those people who fall within low income brackets, or that are seniors or persons with a disability. Restrictions may be included if:

  • If you own a residential property in Toronto
  • Have a household income of less than $50,000
  • Be either over the age of 50 or a person receiving benefits for disability

Contact us today to find out the restrictions and how they apply to you, as you could be eligible for a subsidy of up to $500.

Click here to learn more about this offer.

Drain Grants, Subsidies and Rebates for the City of Mississauga

Subsidy Program : Foundation Drain Collector (FDC) Sump Pump 

A subsidy is available within Mississauga when looking at sump pump installation. This however is dependent on whether or not you reside on a street that is serviced by the FDC. Other requirements for eligibility include:

  • If Sump pump installation took place after December 2017
  • Installation was performed by a licensed company, and the business has a City of Mississauga license to operate
  • Original copies of the invoice are attached to the completed application

If your invoiced cost was a maximum of $6000 per your household, you could be eligible for a 100% subsidy. There are a few restrictions that apply.
Click here to learn more about this offer.

Rebate Program : Sanitary Backwater Valve 

The Region of Peel offers a Sanitary Backwater Valve rebate of $700 for eligible homeowners who have had their installation completed or quoted.
 Click here to learn more about this offer.  

Grants, Subsidies and Rebates for the City of Markham

Private Plumbing Protection Rebate Program

The City of Markham offers a range of subsidies for various flood prevention plumbing services, including retroactive rebates for installations after May 1, 2017. Some of the measures that are covered include:

You could be eligible for a subsidy of between $1,750 and $5,000 per household. Some restrictions apply.
Click here to learn more about this offer. Or click here for an informative brochure.

Grants, Subsidies and Rebates for the City of Vaughan

Subsidy Program : Back-water Valve

There is also a subsidy program available to those homeowners with backwater valve installation to prevent sewage from entering their homes, the City of Vaughan offers a payment back to ensure the encouragement of this change over. Requires are as follows:

  • That the home is not under any level of construction.
  • That the installation is carried out by a certified professional or professional entity.
  • That the homeowner obtains a permit to complete all needed taks.
  • The homeowner provided documents from the manufacturer identifying the backwater valve, and an invoice from the plumber marked as “Paid in Full.”
  • That the installation is inspected by a member of Vaughan’s Building Standards Department.

You could be eligible for a subsidy of 50% of the invoiced cost, or up to $750. Some restrictions apply.

Grants, Subsidies and Rebates For the Region of Halton


In an effort to repair potential hazards and basement flooding before it occurs, Halton Region is offering a subsidy for backwater valve installation to ensure minimised flooding and spillage. The application process requires that:

  • The homeowner applies for a permit and arranges for an inspection by the local municipality in their own time.
  • There must be written verification from a contractor that your weeping tiles have been disconnected from the sanitary sewer system.
  • The homeowner must download or pick up, then send in or drop off a completed subsidy application form in correct order (link below).

Once completing this process you could be eligible for a subsidy of 50% of the invoiced cost up to $675. Some restrictions may apply.

Click here to learn more about the subsidy and to download the application form.


Having your weeping tile connected to your sanitary sewer system increases the likelihood of flooding during heavy rainfall. Halton Region is offering a subsidy for disconnecting it and installing a sump pump in order to remove the water. The application process requires that:

  • The homeowner applies for a permit before work can begin and must also arrange for an inspection by the local municipality once the work is complete.
  • Your contractor must be selected from the available list of Halton Region’s authorized contractors (found here).
  • The homeowner must fill out and submit a completed application in order to qualify (found here).

You could be eligible for a subsidy of 100% of the invoiced cost up to $5,000. Some restrictions apply.

Click here to learn more about this offer.


When it comes time that your sewer laterals are in a drastically poor condition from to breaks or blockages, heavy rainfall can cause flooding to spill into your home from municipal sewer line backup. To prevent this, Halton Region is offering a repair subsidy to ensure the health and wellness of its community. The subsidy application requires that:

  • The homeowner obtains any necessary permits from their local municipality beforehand and a municipal inspection after-the-fact.
  • There must be CCTV footage of the inside of the pipes both before and after the work to prove that they really were in a substandard condition.
  • The homeowner submits a completed subsidy application (found here).

You could be eligible for a subsidy of 50% of the invoiced cost up to $2,000 if you fall within this category. Some restrictions apply.

Click here to learn more and to download the subsidy application.


In an effort to reduce the environmental impact of excessive water use and to bring cost-savings back to reality for homeowners in Halton, the region is offering a rebate. Limited to 1 rebate per single-family home, you may be eligible for:

  • A rebate of $75.00 for approved 4.8L or less dual-flush models.
  • A rebate of $60.00 for approved 6L models purchased any time during 2007-2010.
  • No rebate on 6L models purchased after 2010.

Click here to learn more about the rebate and to apply. Some restrictions apply.

Grants, Subsidies and Rebates
For the Region of Peel


The Regional Municipality of Peel offers a rebate to those who are willing to or have already disconnected their downspout systems. If you are in the eligible regions and you have not previously received a subsidy from Peel Region for basement flooding remediation or downspout disconnection, then feel free to apply and save something here. The two programs include:

  • Downspout Disconnection Subsidy Program: With a maximum of $100 per home for multiple downspout disconnections.
  • Downspout Disconnection Financial Assistance Program: With a maximum of $1,000 for low-income residents that are seniors or persons with disabilities.

Click here to learn more about this offer, its restrictions, and application requirements. Some restrictions apply.
Business Equipment Replacement Incentives
If your business doesn’t have effective or efficient equipment systems in place  Peel Region replacement incentive offers business owners added savings and benefits when switching to a more efficient system range. These include: Walk-in fridge/freezers, Pre-rinse spray valves, Ice machines and more.
Businesses replacing more than 20 units at a time must be pre-approved before applying.
You could be eligible for an incentive of between $25 and $1,000. Some restrictions apply.
Click here to learn more and to apply.
Sanitary Backwater Valve Rebate Program
Those who are in fact homeowners in Peel Region qualify for a sanitary backwater valve installation rebate as well which allows for the combating of potential basement flooding from sewer backup in times of heavy rainfall. Eligibility includes:

  • You have reported flooding that was caused by rainfall to Peel Region or you can provide proof of a flood-related insurance claim.
  • You have not received a subsidy from Peel Region due to previous flooding through remediation programs before now.

You may be eligible for a rebate of $700  if you qualify. Some restrictions apply.
Click here to learn more about the program requirements.